Chinese HERBAL Medicine in Melbourne
Chinese medicine focuses on the health of the vascular system. Its primary concern is the distribution of blood (Xue), vital air (Qi) and nutrient (Ying Qi) to support correct tissue function.
Chinese medicine treatment plans are based on underlying problems of the vascular and nervous systems rather than individual symptoms.
Pharmaceutical grade Chinese herbal medicine's are safely prescribed by trained practitioners. All herbs are tested for quality and safety before use.
Results are often fast and reliable.

How is Chinese Medicine Different?
Western medicine is the best in the world when it comes to emergency and trauma care. If you break a bone or are having a heart attack, you will want to go to the hospital. They are fantastic at putting you back together again.
However, when it comes to chronic health problems, the emergency and trauma care model is often flawed. This is why a large percentage of the population are in pain, anxious, can’t sleep, can’t lose weight and more.
Chinese herbal medicine treatment is the opposite. It’s focus is not on emergency medicine. However, when it comes to chronic health problems, it is very reliable.
What is Chinese Medicine?
What we know about traditional Chinese medicine comes from a book called the Huang Di Nei Jing, a two volume encyclopaedic set with eighteen scrolls that was put together around 300BC.
This book has a number of sections, including anatomy. The Chinese were performing dissections before the turn of Christ and named the organs and described what they do.
They described the heart and what its function was and discovered that the heart was the primary “Emperor” organ that pumps blood (Xue), vital air (Qi) and nutrient (Ying Qi) through the blood vessel system (Xue Mai), to the body’s organs and tissues.
Next, they documented the vascular system and knew which vessels flow away from the heart and which vessels direct blood and nutrient back to the heart.
They described and named the lungs, liver, gall bladder, kidneys, spleen, mesenteric system (San Jiao), pericardium and reproductive organs.
They were so detailed they even listed the volume, size and weight of what the average organ should be. They discovered which organs were supported by which vessels and even how long they were supposed to be.
To put this in context, Western medicine didn’t know the heart pumped blood until the 16th century!
For centuries, the smartest minds in China have developed and refined the practice of Chinese medicine treatment, initially to keep the emperor of China living as strong and long as possible. Today, it is used by millions of people around the globe.
A Vascular Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine has always been a physical medicine. It works on the same anatomy that Western medicine does.
The Chinese knew the lungs breathed in the great air (da-qi), which was where the lungs extracted the essence of air/oxygen (qi) that circulates through blood vessels (Xue mai) to support life.
This should not be confused with the french interpretation of Chinese medicine which proposes the idea of imaginary energy and meridians. Chinese medicine isn’t here to balance chakras or energy.
What Chinese medicine is really about is vascular. It’s about increasing blood, oxygen and nutrient distribution through the body.
Chinese herbal medicine is concerned with blood flow and the health of the vascular system, the internal plumbing, and how it’s working.
The Chinese figured out that everything in the body requires vital air (Qi), nutrient (Ying Qi) and blood (Xue) to function. It’s how every part of the human body is supported!
If there is a lack of blood, oxygen or nutrient to any organ or tissue, that organ or tissue will become dysfunctional or diseased depending on the level of restriction.
For example, if a rubber band is tied around your finger and were to cut off blood flow, you’re going to have problems that vary depending on how tight that rubber band is.
If we cut off blood flow by 100% within just 3 minutes the tissue will start to die.
However cut it off by 50% and the tissue will no longer die. However chronic symptoms start to develop such as pain and stiffness.
When our body’s organs and tissues aren’t supported by blood flow, other problems start to develop including issues with our hormones and natural painkillers.
One of the many principles of Chinese medicine is to take the rubber band off.
We want to get blood, oxygen and nutrient back into the organs and tissues that are diseased in order to begin the healing process.
Health in Chinese medicine can be described as: “Highly oxygenated, highly nutritious blood, coursing through the body with a healthy pump (heart)”.
Book an Appointment Today
If you’re interested in Chinese herbal medicine in Reservoir call us on (03) 9462 0585.
To book an appointment at Melbourne CBD book directly online. Alternatively, you can simply request an appointment here
Why is Chinese Herbal Medicine Popular?
Traditional Chinese medicine is popular due to its efficiency in dealing with chronic health problems.
Chinese medicine is heavily focused on supporting important functions of the body including the distribution of blood, oxygen, and nutrient circulation throughout the body organs and tissues to encourage optimal function.
Many health problems start to develop when blood, oxygen and nutrient flow becomes restricted to organs and tissues.
Chinese medicine treatment is well positioned to encourage such functions in a natural way with little to no side effects.
How is Chinese Herbal Medicine Effective for Chronic Problems?
Chinese doctors and scholars discovered that everything in the human body requires a sufficient supply of “vital air”/oxygen, nutrient, and blood to function which they named Qi, Ying Qi, and Xue.
Knowing this, a complete medical system was developed to detect and treat problems with the bodies internal plumbing.
Dr. David has completed his full clinical internship at the renowned Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, which is located in Nanjing, China.
For analysing the underlying issues in an individual Dr. David uses medical pulse diagnosis and prescribes Chinese herbal medicines. For more information visit the research page
What are Some of the Issues Which are Effectively Dealt Using Chinese Herbal Medicine?
Chinese herbal medicine can be used for improving the health of the vascular system including the heart and the distribution of blood flow through the body.
By ensuring that the heart receives a sufficient supply of blood, oxygen, and nutrient flow, a person can improve their longevity.
Weight loss, Chronic fatigue syndrome, digestive problems like irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, insomnia, menopausal syndrome, respiratory diseases and numerous other ailments can be supported with Chinese medicine.
How to Book an Appointment with Dr. David (Chinese medicine)?
Visit our 58 Gertz Avenue, Reservoir clinic by calling us at 9462-0585 during office hours or fill out the appointment form available on our website.
For an appointment at David’s Queen St office, you can book online here